WE15 Graduate Programming Coordinator

The Graduate Leadership Team is currently seeking applicants for the WE15 Graduate Programming Coordinator (GPC) position!

The GPC works with a dedicated team of graduate students and professional SWE members to create a diverse track of sessions at the SWE annual conference for current graduate students, recent graduates from graduate school, and for those who are considering going to graduate school.

The GPC position is a two-year term filled by a SWE graduate student or recent graduate, serving one year as coordinator-elect for WE14 and one year as coordinator for WE15. The GPC-Elect and GPC do not have to be current graduate students, but must be less than three years out from completing their graduate degree.

If you are interested in applying for the position and/or would like more information, please email Shivani Gupta at grad-coordinator@swe.org. You can also find information about SWE’s graduate community and leadership team on our ‘About’ page and ‘Grad Leadership’ page.

Applications are due by November 4, 2013.

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